Ahhhh. Fall in New England.
Sigh. Long time ago.
I can still picture that little blond toddler running around the pumpkin field on a beautiful fall day, picking a pumpkin. The bright orange against the clear blue skies.
Just to put things into perspective: these days that little toddler is going to university. Not sure if he's still picking pumpkins.
So while that was ages ago, some things remain. Such as getting pumpkins every fall, and carving them for Halloween. Even when it seemed that nobody around here did that.
These days, my boys pick out the pumpkins. Unfortunately, there are no pumpkin patches where we live, just farms that sell pumpkins from their stands. Well, better than no pumpkins at all, if you ask me.
At least it's quite a selection of colors and shapes. We let both boys pick out a pumpkin for themselves to carve (well, the knife part is left to mommy, but they do help draw the face and scooping out the seeds), so we try to steer them away from the bigger ones.
Little brother checking out a green one.
Big brother preferred the traditional version.
It was a difficult decision, after all. So many to choose from! White? Yellow? Green? Orange? And so many shapes!
This year, I was drawn to the green ones. We had white and orange
last year. That green one in the center below would make a great Frankenstein - or is that just me?
These are the ones we ended up taking home. A huge orange one for daddy, two green ones for mommy (yes, I do get two), a smaller orange for one for big brother and the white one for little brother.
Can't wait to see what kind of faces are lurking inside those innocent looking veggies...
Where do you get your pumpkins? Any color preferences?
Linking up with the simple things sunday.
Happy Sunday!