Sunday, September 25, 2011

Need a thick skin?

This is actually more a post for my German readers (wow. Sounds like I have readers. Haha.) Anyway, when you guys say someone has or needs a thick skin, in German we say "ein dickes Fell", which translates to a thick fur. Don't ask me where that comes from, maybe something stone age?! Just try to follow along for a minute here, anyway. The advantage of our way of saying this is, that we get to give these cute little guys as gifts:

These cuties are "dicke Felle", little pieces of thick "fur" that you can add to your own "skin" so to speak when you most need it. Or give it to someone who is in need of a little extra protection. They come complete with instructions (recommended use is to put them on your shoulder) and cute packaging. Aren't they great?

You're probably thinking I'm crazy, but I love these so much that I just had to do a post on them. Even if this makes no sense at all in English. They are made by the very sweet and creative Dana. So if you're from Germany or agree with me that they are an amazing gift, you can find them here in Dana's Dawanda Shop. They even got their own website recently:

And no, this post was not sponsored. I just love these and gave one as a gift last week and since I have a blog now, you will just have to suffer through this. Maybe you should get your own thick skin...


  1. Hey Swenja, hab dich ueber Ohdeedoh gefunden. Wollte nur mal hallo sagen :)
    Viele Gruesse aus Pittsburgh nach ??? (wo wohnt ihr denn?)


  2. Hi Sophie,

    oh, schön :) Habe mir gerade deinen blog ein bisschen angeschaut und sofort auf meine Leseliste gesetzt. Babes and sages... also das Gedicht, tja, das hab ich direkt in mein "Inspiration file" kopiert. Kannte ich gar nicht (höre meine früheren US-Literaturprofessoren im Hintergrund schimpfen).

    Wir sind hier übrigens irgendwo auf dem platten Land in NRW.

    Liebe Grüße!

  3. Liebe Swenja,
    das ist wieder eine so schöne Idee! Genial!
    Liebste Grüße,


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