Tuesday, November 6, 2012

{the simple things} Halloween witch

Hello everyone - just checking in very briefly. Why, you ask? Well, because it's November. November, folks! And that means I'm right in the middle of my holiday plan - by calendar week, that is. Yep, I have a plan of all the to dos until Christmas, by calendar week. And top priority right now is to complete the second half of our annual family photobook, which is the traditional gift to the grandparents and usually gets sent to the printing service by November.

So, for this week I'm just posting a little picture from Halloween.

Linking up with

How about you? Anyone else started making gifts and working off their to do list yet? Or am I the only crazy person here?



  1. I LOVE this picture!!! Glad you popped in to say HELLO:)

    miss u.

  2. what a fun picture! You are way, way ahead of me on Christmas. I'm not even thinking about it yet! I need to do the photobooks we give as gifts to the grandparents--but I'm still hoping to get some family pics squeezed in to put in them!


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