Wednesday, August 17, 2011

A very fishy birthday party

My older son's birthday is in September and being my usual self, I have been planning this for months now. Yeah, I know, I'm crazy. At least I'm learning that I can't possibly do ALL those great ideas I come across. And I'm learning not to mentally always compare what I end up with to what I planned in those initial stages months ago. Not only would that sometimes be frustrating, it would also keep me from enjoying the things I did make happen.

Anyway. Ever since I came across blogs like Ohdeedoh, I have been saving ideas and images to my Evernote file. I also have a list (of course) of birthday party themes. From this my son chose the fishing party this year - originally inspired by this post on A Little Outdoorsman Party by Hostess with the Mostess. It's fitting because he went on his first fishing trip to Bavaria with his dad this year. All by himself, no moms or little brothers allowed. They had a blast. And caught fish. So, a fishing party it was. I was surprised by all the ideas a little search on the Internet brought up.

Now, I don't have the time, ressources or even patience and ability to ever throw a party like those you see around blogland, especially the American ones with their huge dessert tables. And personally I do believe that little boys don't really mind. Some nice decorations, a great cake and some activities they enjoy should be all that you need to make the day special.

We don't do birthday parties on the day of their actual birthday. That one is reserved for a special family outing somewhere nice, followed by dinner and cake with the grandparents. I like that tradition, although it's just the second year we're doing it. So I'm planning his party for the week after, and what's the first thing to get done? Invitations. Take a look:

I think they're cute. You have to understand that I am horrible at anything crafty. Really, really bad. I can't cut a straight line (as you can no doubt see in the picture). But still, I think they're great. I got the stamp from Dawanda shop Andiva, she does the most gorgeous handmade stamps. I'm planning on also using it for a party garland as well as labels and goodie bags. In fact I liked my invites so much that I made one extra to keep. After all, who knows if I ever manage to make something like it again?

More details on the birthday as we get closer and I hopefully finish more things off the list. So tell me, what are your birthday party plans and is there anyone out there as challenged in the craft department as I am?


  1. I agree with your sentiments about AMerican birthday parties--some of them are out of control!
    I love that fish stamp and the idea of using it for other decorations for the party is perfect. Can't wait to see the rest.
    Love from,

  2. Oh wie schööön. Der Fisch hat hier bei euch sicher ein schönes Zuhause....
    Viele Grüße

  3. Wer hat Dir jemals eingeredet, Du hättest kein Talent zum Basteln??? Die Einladungen sind wirklich traumhaft süß - aber ich weiss ja, an wen ich mich wenden kann, wenn ich richtig schöne Geburtstagseinladungen für Nico oder Lili brauche.
    Viel Spaß mit den Fischen!


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